Fast steam generators


Fast steam generators ETA / RSA Series


Fast steam generators


The generators of the ETA series are the result of a series of complex and refined studies in the field of steam production, according to the principle of forced circulation with mechanical crossing.
The long experience and the specialization allow us to propose generators certainly efficient and reliable. The generator is of the forced and controlled circulation type, with rapid vaporisation at three smoke revolutions.
The arrangement gives rise to a monobloc unit, totally pre-assembled, of easy transportability and installation.
The operation is totally automatic and self-protected.
The generators can be supplied with stamp pressure up to 50 Bar; also in this case all the managerial advantages of steam production are maintained thanks to machines with rapid steaming and mechanical crossing.

In addition to the typical advantages of forced circulation generators, such as rapidity in temperature, total safety against the outbreak, etc. ETA generators, the result of many years of experience, are distinguished by:

Steam supply

Steam supply after 2-3 minutes from switching on


High performance (over 90%)


Decrease of the time necessary for start-up


Horizontal or vertical execution, however with three smoke revolutions


Easy maintenance thanks to the fully open tailgate for cleaning or extracting the coil


The serpentine: It constitutes the pressure part, in which the water is vaporized. It is made up of a double row of tubes, placed side by side and wound in a spiral in two concentric cylinders.
The cylinder with a smaller diameter constitutes the combustion chamber: on the bottom there is a bundle of spiral tubes connected in series with the coils.
The tubes are made of very high quality steel, tested in the ironworks, with PED testing and with EDDY CURRENT control.
The whole coil is sliding on horizontal guides that allow easy removal from the containment enclosures. The internal cylindrical part, constituting the combustion chamber, is proportionate for the regular development of the flame; the fumes meet, then, the convection beam, they pass in the annular space between the two coils and return towards the bottom, lapping the serpentine of greater diameter outside.

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